Roman Cepeda Benavente
House of Representatives
What goals do you want to accomplish in your term?
A two- year term is a very short amount of time to achieve long term goals so I always focus my efforts on legislation that prioritizes programs that have direct benefits to our communities. In the next two years, I will work on a feasible economic approach to our pandemic environment, such as building on our farming and fishery industry to supplement our needs during our trying times due to the lack of tourism we are encountering. I will revisit all existing policies and push for implementation of priorities in these areas, working with stakeholders to identify the most feasible approaches to accomplish this goal.
Why should voters vote for you?
I have served our community in various capacities for 14 years. As a public servant, I’ve always been dedicated to working diligently with others to deliver results. I do my best to create value in my field that would always benefit my community.
Where can voters learn more about your campaign?